How sobriety can kickstart wellness journey

Wellness is becoming an increasingly discussed topic and more and more of us are embarking on health and wellness journeys. But taking that first step is hard and changing your whole lifestyle can be overwhelming. In fact, wholesale changes probably are not the best way to go. You will probably find that it’s too much too soon and expecting yourself to overhaul every aspect of your life is also unrealistic. When it comes to that first step, consider how sobriety can offer the perfect route into a holistic wellness journey.
Here are four areas of your life that will naturally benefit from your decision to take the plunge and stop consuming alcohol.
Substituting time and money for fitness
It goes without saying that nights out require time, money and energy, all of which can be transferred into other areas that offer greater benefits to your health. The best thing is, you’ll probably find this happens naturally. For instance, replacing a drinking session with a gym session may be the perfect way to still socialise with friends and do activities that you find enjoyable, only without the dreaded hangover and negative health implications.
Similarly, you will likely find that the money saved from boozy nights out will be put towards healthier purchases. These sacrifices mean you’ll have a bigger budget for your wellness journey which could allow you to treat yourself to things like personal training sessions, new gym wear or even a wellness retreat that was previously out of reach.
All in all, going sober will naturally free up both time and money which can be invested into other areas of your life.
Better diet choices
Those who choose to go sober for health benefits will often find this mindset naturally extending into their wider dietary choices. Think about it, if health plays a part in your decision to go sober, it would be pointless to replace alcohol with unhealthy foods that are equally as bad for your body.
It’s not just your new commitment to health that will see you make better dietary choices either, the lack of hangovers will also assist with this. Anyone who has suffered from a hangover has probably found their body crying out for greasy and sugary foods the morning after a heavy drinking session.
Living without alcohol and hangovers will eliminate that craving for unhealthy, quick-fix foods that more often than not don’t help our health and wellness goals. As a result, you’ll find it far easier to choose healthy, balanced meals when your body isn’t suffering from the consequences of alcohol.
Toxin-free lifestyle
Those who quit alcohol will often find that this decision has an impact beyond the food and drink choices they make. Alcohol is a toxin, and eliminating alcohol from your life may be the first step towards a toxin-free lifestyle.
Clean, natural living has become a popular trend over the last few years with more and more young people looking to avoid harmful ingredients, whether in the food they eat, the beauty products they apply or the cosmetic surgery choices they make.
As a result, you’ll likely find that your sobriety decision goes hand in hand with leading a more natural lifestyle.
Enhancing mental and spiritual health
We’ve discussed the negative impact that alcohol can have on physical health, but don’t underestimate the consequences of alcohol on our mental health too. Whilst under the influence of alcohol, individuals find themselves making out-of-character decisions which can cause stress on relationships with others.
You’ll likely find yourself suffering from a less stable emotional state in the days after drinking; increased anxiety is also experienced when suffering from hangovers after an alcohol-fueled night out. A more stable mind will allow you to explore practices such as meditation, yoga and breathwork.
Spiritual health is a relatively new consideration for many people and is still relatively unexplored for many. Removing alcohol from your life gives you the best possible chance of achieving spiritual growth to go along with your newfound health kick.
While you don’t have to go sober to embark on a wellness journey, the knock-on effects of sobriety mean it should make your life a whole lot easier. If you’re looking to take a holistic approach to health and wellness, consider how giving up alcohol will impact physical, mental and spiritual areas of your life. Overhauling every aspect of your health will seem like a gigantic challenge at first, but sobriety will make it feel much more achievable. However, for some, the challenge of going sober is a mountain to climb in itself. If you’re in need of some assistance with your sober journey, check out our other articles that contain all you need to know about sobriety from alcohol-free activities to mocktail recipes!
By Lucy Couser
Lucy is a freelance writer who finished her degree in creative writing in Manchester. She loves to talk and share her experiences with alcohol, top tips and healthier fun alternatives for the sober community. You can find her substack here!